Secure access to
Washington State Dept. of Revenue's
tax and business licensing services
Sign Up
Enter your personal information
First Name
Last Name
Primary Email
Make sure you enter this correctly, you'll need to confirm the creation of your account through the provided email address.
Confirm Email
Additional contact information to receive SAW multi-factor authentication codes (Optional)
Reduce the chance of losing your account by entering additional information.
Additional Email
Mobile Phone Number
Message and data rates may apply. A message will only be sent when you request it.
View our
Mobile Terms of Service
Privacy Policy
for more information.
Create a SAW User ID and password
This SAW User ID is not available. Try Again.
Create a SAW User ID of 4-32 characters.
Use (a-z), (A-Z), (0-9) and (@ _ . -)
You may use your email address
Not case sensitive
For your security, the state requires a password of at least 10 characters.
at least 3
of the following:
An uppercase letter;
A lowercase letter;
A number;
A special character, like ($ % #);
Do not include:
Your SAW User ID
Confirm Password
Show Password
Accept the Access Agreement
I acknowledge I have read and accept the
My DOR Access Agreement
My DOR Access Agreement
Security Validation
This security step helps prevent any use of automated or malicious programs.
This may take a few minutes to process.
A SAW User ID already exists for this email address. You can use the same SAW User ID to access multiple agencies’ services.
Forgot my SAW User ID
Create New ID
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