Customer address database service
Please make sure that:
- The file is in a comma or tab delimited text format.
- Comma delimited: Cust01,123 Oak St,Olympia,WA,98502
- Tab delimited: Cust01
123 Oak St Olympia WA
- All fields (blanks/nulls included) are separated by a comma or tab.
- One address per record.
- No more than 5 fields per record.
- All records must have the same number of fields. The Zip and +4 (if the +4 is provided) are in a single field for all records.
Note: The Zip and +4 must now be in one field with an optional - character. They used to be allowed to be separated into 2 fields.
01,123 Oak St,Olympia,WA,985021234
02,987 Pine St,Olympia,WA,985069876
03,456 Spruce St,Olympia,WA,98506-9876
Call Local Finance Team – Taxpayer Account Administration at 360-705-6179, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m PST or send an e-mail to